Liposuction, also called as “lipo”, is one of the most distinctive cosmetic surgical procedures world over. Out of the total number of cosmetic surgeries carried out all over the world, the highest numbers of plastic surgeries are lipo surgeries. It reshapes and it slim areas of the body by removing excess deposits of fat. This is a procedure that can take care of fatty areas that look uneven and that do not respond to diet and/or exercise.

One can reduce fat in the thighs, arms, hips, neck, chin, cheeks, waist, back, chest, calves, ankles, and inner knee with the process of liposuction. This procedure can also be useful in decreasing hereditary fat that has not responded to fitness and diet. Furthermore, this procedure assists in weight loss and improves self-confidence of the individual undergoing the surgery. The medical procedure involves suctioning out fat cells, which is done by a qualified plastic surgeon. This procedure can contour different parts of your body by giving it an ideal shape. It is not a remedy for general obesity. People undergo this procedure for many different reasons.

There are several types of liposuction procedures. These include the dry technique, the wet technique, ultrasonic, laser, etc. At the time of your consultation, your surgeon will discuss the technique that is most suitable for your body type. Essentially, the procedure is performed with an instrument called as “Cannula”. It is a long tube that the surgeon moves back and forth under the skin to dislodge the fat and is then attached to a powerful suction device that suctions the fat out of the body. The cannula is inserted through tiny incisions in the skin made by the surgeon. The surgeon will be able to tell you exactly where the incisions will be placed during your consultation.

This procedure is ideal for women and men who are at, or close to, their ideal body weights. The lipo procedure is also useful for those people who have got fat cells concentrated at specific body parts. A full evaluation and thorough discussion with a board certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in cosmetic surgery is recommended to determine if this procedure is right for you, and if so, what techniques will be the best.

If you have severe heart problems, blood clotting disorders or are pregnant, you are not a good candidate for this procedure. Diabetes or immune system disorders may also pose difficulty for undergoing this surgery. This procedure would not work well for you if you have scar tissue in the area to be treated. Scar tissue below the skin may make it difficult or impossible to suction the fat in that area, leading to uneven contours after surgery.

Liposuction surgery is a complicated medical procedure which requires the opinion of experienced plastic surgeon. It is very important that patients considering this type of surgery thoroughly think of their decision and discuss it with a specialist.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure commonly in use in to eliminate excess fat from all different body parts especially from the abdominal region. It is also called as lipoplasty, suction lipectomy, liposculpture or fat suction in Sydney. Generally, the fat is eradicated from thighs, chin, buttocks, love handles (abdomen), breasts and stomach for women and chin, waist, breasts and buttocks for men under this process. This surgical practice is not a substitute to exercise and dieting and it should be used only to take away the stubborn fat that does respond to regular exercising and dieting. This technique is not at all a weight loss method but a technique to remove excess fat. Generally, 5-15 pounds of fat is taken out under a standard liposuction procedure. However, taking out of huge amounts of fat can be hazardous at times.

There are many kinds of liposuction technique performed in sydney these days like traditional liposuction, tumescent liposuction, ultrasound liposuction, super wet liposuction. All these techniques employ a cannula (a blunt straw like tube) for suction of fat. Saline water is injected into the space stuck between muscle and fat to break them up. If the quantity of saline water is not as much of as that of the amount of fat to be removed, then it is called as “traditional lipo”. If the saline water is 3 to 4 times the volume of fat to be eliminated, then it is called as “tumescent lipo”. Adding additional water helps the cosmetic doctor in moving the cannula back and forth to disintegrate the fat cells. However, surplus water may have an effect on the homeostasis of the body. Under the super wet lipo, the quantity of saline water is same as that of quantity of fat to be removed. This is the most admired surgical technique used by surgeons in sydney.

The fat is initially liquefied through ultrasound under ultrasonic lipo before being suctioned out. However, ultrasound techniques are not well liked as they sometime lead to necrosis (death of skin) and seromas (collection of yellow fluid in pockets). Under all different kinds of methods, either local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used. The standard anesthetic that is in use is lidocaine. Epinephrine is also used under this method to minimise blood loss. To carry out this method the patient must be over 18 and in excellent health with elastic skin. If the skin is not adequately elastic, the surplus skin may have to be eliminated after lipo. The process under which surplus skin is removed from abdomen is called as abdominoplasty or tummy tuck.

Diabetics and patients taking regular dosages of antibiotics are advised not to undergo any kind of lipo procedure. Before operation the patient should not take any anticoagulants like warfarin, phenindione etc. If general anesthesia is given, the patient has to fast on the night before the operation. If local anesthesia is given, there is no prerequisite of fasting. Smoking and drinking is strictly prohibited pre and post operation.

The incisions are generally less than an inch in diameter. After operation, the surplus fluid takes days to weeks to drain out. Antibiotics and/or painkillers can be resumed during this phase. Patient recovery time varies from few days to a couple of months. As with all other different kinds of csmetic surgeries, there are surgical threats in liposuction as well. There are negligible risks, up to 0.7%, of side effects like internal organs being scraped, seromas, necrosis, bleeding etc.

Liposuction in Sydney is not a weight loss technique and the patient should anticipate realistic and not dramatic transforms in look.

Liposuction is one of the widely popular plastic surgery techniques in today’s world. This advanced procedure is appropriate for removal of fat from areas such as the arms, face, knees, hips, back, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. It also offers advanced skin tightening. The process is normally carried out under local anesthesia in Sydney plastic surgery.

Before Liposuction Surgery

Before Lipo is carried out, measurements such as height, circumference of the engaged areas and weight, pulse rate, blood pressure, and preoperative patient history, including medications such as antibiotics, other medications and painkillers is recorded. The surgical process begins with cleaning the area with a sterilizer solution and a small opening is made close to the area to be operated. The Lipo hand piece is inserted through this incision, and afterward a cannula for fat aspiration. Accurately directed ultrasound produced energy of a high frequency is applied to the treatment region, melting the fat; the heat created causes the skin to tighten and shrink. The fat clusters are thus pre-treated using latest liposuction technology in sydney, permitting for gentle fat aspiration. The procedure is designed to reduce bruising, pain, and swelling. It is the precisely controlled heat that promotes the soft tissues and skin to tighten and contract.

Advantages of Liposuction

Liposuction Sydney is an elegant way to get rid of fat swiftly, easily and securely. It is just what you need when work out, dieting, and all other weight loss techniques fail. Given below are some of the benefits of Lipo:

• substantial skin contraction

• correct temperature control

• consistency of contours

• simply invasive

• negligible surgical trauma

• proficient body contouring

After Lipo, you will find a noticeable body recontouring and firming result. The moderate heating above body temperature will lead to considerable skin tightening regularly with soft tissue tightening that can be as much as 40%. Swelling, bruising and numbness progressively fade away over a short period of time. Patients are generally able to get back to work within a couple of days. However, patient should abstain from strenuous physical activity for a week after undergoing liposuction Sydney.

Choosing the Right Doctor

Now that you know what to anticipate from liposuction, the next step is finding the best Sydney plastic surgeon to execute the procedure for you. In order to find an appropriate plastic surgeon, type a search query with location in your favored search engines - Google, Yahoo, or any other. Compare the qualifications, expertise, practice, and overall experience of different sydney plastic surgeons. If you know some patients who have been treated by the best cosmetic doctor , try to get in touch with them to find out how their experience was. The best cosmetic Dr Sydney you choose should be one who has thorough understanding of all aspects of Liposuction method.

Liposuction Sydney is a cosmetic surgery carried out in a hospital or an office in Sydney. In spite of its cosmetic purpose, patients are required to pursue the same basic preparative procedures as common surgery. This includes putting an end to certain medications such as birth control pills, aspirin, and ibuprofen. These and other medications can cause thickening or thinning of the blood and end result in complications at some stage in or after lipo. During discussion, the doctor will advise where other medications and nutritional supplements may also need to be discontinued. The patient is required to give up smoking at least three weeks before and three weeks after undergoing the cosmetic surgery.

The phrase, "smoking is bad" is possibly an understatement. We know that it is terrible for our health. We have heard that plethora of times. Yet, we do not quite accept it is as bad as experts say. However, knowing that our body must be clear of nicotine in order to have a perfect lipo procedure gives us motive to quit smoking.

Smoking exceedingly increases risks through surgery. The nicotine found in tobacco, nicotine patches, and nicotine gum decreases blood circulation, which can result in chest infection after injecting anesthesia. Inadequate blood circulation also influences the rate of recovery after surgery. In liposuction, surgical accomplishment depends upon the suppleness of the patient's skin. If the blood is not circulating well, then the skin loses its flexibility. Then during the recuperation process, the patient will be disappointed with the consequences. Instead of the tight and slim body they had imagined, they are left with wrinkled, loose-fitting skin.

Like all surgeries, lipo is an anxiety on the body. Common side effects of liposuction in Sydney include irregular body temperature, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, giddiness, swelling, and nausea. All these side effects can be linked to deprived blood quality and circulation. Poor blood quality can mean little quantity of oxygen distributed all through the body resulting in the aforementioned side effects.

As liposuction is a surgical procedure, hence patients need time to recover. The length of recovery period can vary with patients according to their pre-surgical physical state. It also varies according to the quantity of fat and fluids removed during lipo treatment. A non-smoking patient can look forward to a much shorter recuperation period than that of a regular smoker.

Liposuction is a big problem for most over-weight people around Australia. Seeing unsightly fat on your body is the most annoying thing. This can be extremely frustrating, whether it is your tummy or your hips and thighs. Shedding fat from these body parts is not easy. Since everyone needs a little healthy fat in ones’ diet, eating a fat-free diet is no answer. Liposuction is a popular way to get rid of such fat. This way, without killing yourself with major exercise or starving, you can get into a perfect shape.

Nothing is more irritating than the dreaded double chin for some people. However, people gain weight at all different places. You could still experience a double chin, even if you’re in a healthy weight range for your height. That is because there is no way to get rid of fat on your face and it is impossible to overcome the visible external signs unless you get rid of excess body weight all over. You could be greatly benefitted by undergoing liposuction in Sydney, if you are happy with your weight and but do not like the double chin.

Liposuction could be the answer you are looking for, if you are tired of having your hips and thighs jiggle when you walk. For a more attractive look and feel, this procedure involves having a qualified plastic surgeon in Sydney sucking out excess fat from the area. After undergoing this process, you would feel more confident as you look slimmer and trimmer than before.

You are not alone if the thought of wearing a sleeveless or strapless top makes your cringe because of flabby arms. Lots of people have issues with fat on their arms. You will never be able to get that toned look you are hoping for, just by doing weight training. It may not be enough, if fat is covering the muscles. Liposuction usually provides great results and it can help you get rid of your arms of extra fat. Liposuction can help you getting rid of your arms of extra fat and usually provides great results. Extra fat can weigh your arms and skin down, as it can be heavy. You lose elasticity and the skin can sag. Your skin can go back to its normal shape by removing the excess fat through liposuction procedure.

The stomach is also a common point of frustration for many women in sydney, in addition to the hips, thighs and neck. First off all, this is the most regular place where fat is stored in the body. In addition, you know your tummy literally packs on fat and weight to help your body prepare for delivery of the baby, if you have ever been pregnant. You may be able to lose a lot of the baby fat, when you do have the baby, but could still be left with some extra layers of fat that just will not budge. Men also, struggle with extra fat in the stomach. For removing the roundness in your middle, you may want to consider getting liposuction as an option.

Liposuction or Lipo is one of the most popular solutions for people suffering from obesity today. Seeing unsightly fat on your body is the most annoying thing for everybody. This can be extremely frustrating, whether it is your tummy or your hips and thighs. It is not easy to get rid of that excess fat. Without killing yourself with major exercise or starving, liposuction Sydney is the way you can get the body free from excess fat. There are few common places where people get this procedure done in Sydney.

Under the process of liposuction, once the patient is anesthetized the cosmetic doctor makes incisions in one or more areas that are to be worked on. These incisions are very small in size and only slightly larger than the cannula in most cases. Incisions may be a bit longer in UV assisted lipo. The cannula will be inserted under the skin by the practitioner and begin sucking fat out using the aspirator. This procedure can last for a couple of hours or more, depending on how many areas the patient is having surgery performed on and what technique is used. Reputable doctors are usually very conservative when they fix the length and depth of procedures that they recommend to a particular patient. The surgeon may split up into two separate surgeries rather than doing it all at once, if someone wants legs, arms, face, back and abdomen liposuction done.

One must know that lipo Sydney is associated with various side effects. With prescribed medication and over-the-counter drugs, pain should be temporary and it can be controlled. Sometimes numbness persists for a few weeks after the surgery is over. The extent of mobility normally depends on the procedure that is used. Bruising should fade away after two weeks or so. Swelling disappears in a month or two. If you are considering having this procedure done, then talk to a reliable cosmetic surgeon in Sydney and get the answers and advice you need to make the best choice.

A cosmetic procedure, which removes fat from different areas of the body, is known as liposuction or lipo. Abdomen, male breast tissue, hips, chin, thighs, upper arms, flanks, back, and inner knees are the common areas, where this procedure is used to remove excess fat.

There are certain limitations that this procedure should consider, although liposuction has achieved very high remarks in the cosmetic world. The removal of very large amounts of fat includes this. It is imperative that surgeons should thoroughly assess their client’s condition first before they start any procedure for that reason. To be able to undergo this procedure, every client should pass the candidacy requirement. You must be at least eighteen years old and has a good over-all health status to qualify for this procedure. Additionally, you have at least ten to fifteen pounds of fat deposited in certain parts of the body and you must have already exhausted other diet and exercise programs.

If you have diabetes, cardiovascular problems, or infection, you must tell your surgeon. Although it saves you and your doctor from possible health complications, it could nullify your candidacy for the procedure. Due to modern technology, the success rate of liposuction is quite high. However, the possibility of experiencing its side effect is always expected. Though it could be a bit uncomfortable, painful, and annoying, side effects are usually minor.

Bruising which could fade after a week or two, swelling which should gradually subside in a month, scars which will fade after a few weeks, a temporary and controllable pain which could be managed by over the counter analgesics, numbness which could persist for few more weeks, and limited range of motion are the common side effects. From the procedure, complications could also arise. Allergic reaction from medicines or surgical materials, infection on the site of insertion, skin damage due to cannula insertion, skin necrosis (death of skin cells), accidental puncturing of internal organs, friction burns from cannula movement, and fluid imbalance includes this.

On how your body will adapt to the changes and how good your surgeon is, the success rate of this procedure mainly lies. To get the services of a board certified surgeon only is very important for anyone. It is highly advisable to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly, if you want to maximize the effect of this procedure. Try having a lipo if you wish to have your body fat removed fast. Unless a person gets pregnant or went back to unhealthy lifestyle it is generally safe, fast, and guarantees that the fat removed will be permanently gone. About your options as well as the possible outcome talk to your doctor.

Under smart liposuction or smart lipo procedure, fat is broken down with the help of laser technique. This is a minimally invasive technique, and is done on an outpatient setting in contrast to the traditional liposuction procedure. A small tube containing laser fiber is inserted into the skin of the patient and is moved back and forth. Energy is applied at the fat cells, which break these fat cell groups away. Then the broken fat cell groups are shrunken and drained away.

The reason behind liposuction being such an important technique is its ability to be performed in a non-invasive manner. One doesn’t have to be worried about the large scar mark that was previously seen in the older method as the incision made to insert the tube is less than 2 mm in length. However, lipo is not for everyone. For this type of surgery, the doctor has to first determine whether you are in good health. If you are a candidate for such a procedure your age is also a factor to determine. To qualify for this procedure, you must have completed 18 years of age. This type of procedure is not for the older people as they have lost a great deal of skin elasticity. A cosmetic doctor must allow someone to undergo this type of process only when he ensures that the patient has tried all means of reducing weight before going for suction.

There were some disadvantages with the older form of such suction. These adverse effects waned off and now-a-days smart liposuction is considered to be the favorite option for those patients who want the procedure to be totally risk-free and do not have a long recovery period. However, this procedure is not a cure for diseases. It is basically considered as a cosmetic procedure for improving the looks of a patient. Some people think that smart lipo may leave a person getting prone to pain. However, the truth is that since anesthesia is injected in the target area before the procedure, it is completely painless.

Smart lipo procedure does not have any major disadvantages. However, because of the stress that the tubes are causing to the skin, it may completely reverse in a few days and the patient may observe bruises. The patients may need to wear compression bandages after the liposuction procedure for a period of almost two weeks, which is another adverse effect that smart procedure may have. As compared to the older method under which compression bandages were used for almost six weeks, the newer method is quite safe and one of the major advantages. With so many advantages over the traditional lipo procedure it must be concluded that, smart liposuction procedure is currently the ideal choice that patients are looking for in order to get rid of the excessive fat deposits in their body.

Liposuction is considered as an invasive surgical procedure which is designed to remove localized fat. Hips, face, neck, abdomen, thighs, calves, arms, buttocks and back are the areas that may be subjected to this procedure. It is also considered as a cosmetic procedure since the objective of this procedure is to make a person look better although it is primarily a surgical procedure. It is used simply to shape the body and is not however a procedure recommended for weight loss. It may sometimes be used for the removal of cellulite since liposuction involves localized areas. Tumescent method, super wet technique and ultrasound assisted lipoplasty are some of the new techniques under this surgical procedure.

It is not for everyone although lipo is generally a safe procedure. First of all, the surgeon conducts an assessment in order to determine the fitness of a candidate. A candidate might have localized fat but may have more than one area with localized fat. He should be physically and psychologically healthy and stable and should also be of normal or close to the normal or ideal weight for his age and height.

Age is another factor which must be considered. Since most young people have elastic skins they are deemed better candidates. Older people and people with inelastic skins are not good candidates for this kind of procedure. From the list of qualified candidates, those who have diabetes, poor blood circulation, heart ailments and other serious medical conditions may also be excluded.

This liposuction surgical procedure is done by making a small incision wherein a cannula or a hollow tube is inserted. The tube is then moved around to break fat and suction it out. A vacuum pump is used for suctioning process. A patient should be provided with fluid replacements during this procedure, fluids may be removed along with the fats too. Local anesthesia may be used if only a very small amount of fat is to be removed. For more serious cases, general anesthesia may be recommended. To maintain calmness and relaxation individuals may be sedated during liposuction.

One may experience a little bruising, swelling, pain, numbness and sometimes, even a little bleeding after the surgery. You may be able to get back to light work after a few days depending on your capacity to recuperate. Complete recovery however may take at least two weeks to one months’ time. Swelling may still be apparent even after a few months in some cases.

Some areas may still have fat deposits sometimes even months after lipo. Additional sessions are needed in those cases. Although some people may not develop perfectly smooth surfaces, the scar may not be so obvious. A liposuction is usually considered to be a safe medical procedure with the right candidate and the right doctor. Ensure that you are under the care of a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon.

The procedure which is used to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body is known as liposuction or lipo, which is a type of cosmetic surgery. People look better and also feel better about their physical appearance as this helps to reshape and improve body contours. To remove those stubborn pockets of excess fat from areas of the body that exercising and dieting just can’t seem to dissolve, it is one of the best methods.

The fat is removed via a hollow tube and a suction device during liposuction. Patients generally get back to their normal duties in 2-14 days after liposuction procedure depending on how well the procedure is carried out. The hips, flanks, outer and inner thighs, chin, abdomen, male breast tissue, back, and inner knee are the areas of the body where liposuction can be most successfully performed. You should consider your health status, the risks involved, and the costs of liposuction before going for this surgical procedure. This will help you to determine whether or not this is the best solution for your problem.

For two major reasons, physical appearance, and health, most people undergo this surgery. There are a number of reasons why people might want this done, particularly if they are performers of some type and often in the public eye when it comes to physical appearance. The next best alternative may be lipo when exercising and dieting don’t seem to do the job. You must not be diabetic, under 18 and infected with anything contagious diseases or suffering from heart or cardiovascular problems if you want to undergo liposuction in Sydney. In order to prevent complications of liposuction, it is also a good idea to avoid anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant drugs before surgery.

Even though your chances of enjoying a favorable result have increased dramatically in recent years, you should still do your due diligence to determine whether or not this is an appropriate procedure for you. A qualified Sydney plastic surgeon is important. Your cosmetic doctor must know how to remove the right amount of fat causing the least possible disturbance to blood vessels and connecting tissues and maintaining the right body balance. In order to achieve the least possible discomfort to both patient and surgeon all these things are necessary.

For instance, you could come out to have lost excess weight, but visible dents in your body would tell anyone looking at you that something could be critically wrong. Also, your recovery may be slower than normal, and you may experience irregularities in shape due to neighboring fat cells bulging out if you don’t maintain proper diet and exercise after surgery.

Patients can experience swelling, numbness, pain and bruising after lipo procedure, but these generally vanish within a few days. There are some of the issues you must content with if anything goes wrong such as, scarring, skin burns, body-fluid imbalance, nerve damage and incidental damage of the internal organs. Therefore, do consider all different aspects before you go for liposuction in Sydney.