When the breasts are drooping, saggy or pendulous but not very large, an implant cannot lift them up; there is an ideal surgical procedure for this and that is called mastopexy or breast lift. The sagging of breast generally occurs due to pregnancy, alternative weight gain and loss, or due to normal aging process. The breasts often lose their shape and firmness and begin to sink when the skin and muscles lose their elasticity.

Breast lift Sydney is a surgical procedure that can bring back firmness of the breasts, and correct its position on the chest wall without increasing or reducing the size of the breasts. The operation involves a rearrangement of the soft tissue, removal of the nipple position and increasing firmness by tightening the skin covering.

Under boob lift procedure, extra sagging skin is removed in a very sophisticated manner as the reshaping and lifting of the breasts takes place. The incisions are made in such a manner that these are normally hidden under the natural folds and creases around the breasts. This makes the resulting scars more difficult to notice. The nipple/areola nerve connections are cautiously protected and preserved. The complexes are restored from their hanging-like locations at the bottom of the breasts to their rightful, centered positions. Although there are several types of breast lift Sydney procedures, the one most commonly performed is the anchor type procedure that directs all the lifting from the bottom up. Many patients also comment that they feel as if they have implants after this breast surgery because the reshaping has improved their contours to such a lovely degree.

During the boob uplift Sydney procedure, the breast size can also be minimized, and can be made more symmetrical.This procedure is commonly performed in conjunction with breast augmentation (implants) to increase breast firmness and size. This may appeal to women who have lost breast volume after pregnancy. Pregnancy and nursing often result in stretched skin and therefore decreased volume. If you are planning a future pregnancy, it is advisable to postpone your breast uplift as pregnancy will cause further stretching.

Normal breast surgery Sydney is seldom performed in a hospital, but more often is performed in an outpatient facility. Breast lifts are usually performed under general anesthesia.The surgery normally takes between one to three hours.The recovery from the surgery is pretty quick. A week or so is sufficient to resume normal activities. Typically, mostly absorbable sutures are used and the patient has to wear a special bra after the surgery to firmly support the breasts.One needs to avoid lifting anything over one’s head for 3-4 weeks and must avoid strenuous sports for a month.

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