A flat and well toned belly is a dream of many people. In order to minimize a person’s waist size, numerous exercise and diet programs have been specifically developed. Due to several reasons, some find exercise and diet ineffective. While some want instant results, some cannot follow the regimens regularly because of their busy lifestyles. Medical and cosmetic procedures were discovered including the famous abdominoplasty to cater to this need.

To remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, abdominoplasty surgery is a major surgical procedure. This procedure is also used to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. There are four different variants of this surgical procedure. These are the mini, the standard; the extended and the circumferential tummy tuck or body lift. What kind of surgery you want for yourself depends on the extent of fat that you have put on.

Everybody has different proportion of fat deposits in their body. Some may have fats on their tummy and some may have fat deposition on the body as a whole. You can eliminate the excess fats from your body by any one of these procedures. It would only require you to get off some excess fat from your belly if you have just a small layer of fat on your body or your belly. Hence you need the mini tummy tuck or Body lift Sydney. People who have a protruding belly or a bulge between navel and public hairline also needs this procedure. This type of surgery only needs a minor cut in the area that will eventually result in a minor scar that would away overtime.

The standard procedure extends itself from the belly onto both ends of the hips. From this area, the liposuction procedure will suck away additional fat. The type of abdominoplasty that one has to undergo also increases in the standard as the extent of fat in the body grows more. Each time your body weight increases from its usual number you have to consider this type of surgery a step further.

An incision goes all around the body and allows the tightening of the entire abdominal region from both the front as well as the back in the last tummy tuck procedure. Of all the procedures, body lift is the most radical and tightens the entire skin all around the waist and the tummy.

Drains will be placed during the tummy tuck operation in order to drain away any excess fluid during the entire process. To heal the midsection, the midsection will be supported or guarded so that it heals as soon as possible. This entire process will take just around an overnight process that involves general anesthesia. After the appropriate medication is given to the patient, the after effects of the surgery will result in some swelling that will go away in a few weeks time. If you are considering tummy tuck surgery in Sydney, Come and visit Dr Barnouti, best cosmetic Dr and plastic surgeon in Sydney, Chatswood and Parramatta, NSW, Australia.

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